The hydraulic system: |
The height control system: |
The Rollrestrictor valve
In the next animation two drawings illustrate the working of the accumulator. For a view on each separate drawing you can go to the bottom of this page.
The next drawing shows the rollrestrictor again but now provided with some explanations:
The roll restrictor is part of the front height control system. From a hydraulic point of view the front height control cylinders are connected like two communicating vessels. This causes the car to level. During standstill the roll restrictor let through the maximum of fluid from the one cylinder to the other. When driving this restrictor wil partially close and the fluid flows slower from the one to the other cylinder.
The function of this roll restrictor is to prevend the car from tilting too much when driving through curves. The rolls restrictor was deleted together with the front height control system on chassisnumber 7404.
The next drawing shows the rollrestrictor when watching the bottom of the car:
The animated drawing at the top of this page is built-up with the next drawings.