Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow

1973, SRH14743, Regency Bronze

De exterior colour of this car is Regency Bronze, the interior colour is magnolia, the carpets are deep fawn and the everflex roof is cream. The car was ordered by the company Byatts of Fenton Ltd., Mr. R. Dale (probably the car company). The invoice was written on December 7th 1972 and the car was delivered to the first owner on January 5th 1973. A discount was granted of 15%, which made the final price gbp 9676.
Since November 2006 the car is owned by a man in Prague (Praha, Czech Republic). The total number of Rolls-Royces in that country is estimated at 12 (2007). In the Czech Republic a Silver Shadow is a very rare model. The pictures are made near a small castle in Prague.



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